You enter a small, low-roofed tent, pushing aside the strings of beads hanging at the entrance.
Inside, the air is warm and thick with the scent of incense. The tent feels roomier than it looked, but you cannot stand straight up. A dark figure sits cross-legged on worn cushions towards the back. You see tendrils of smoke rise from behind the figure and old candles burn low around them.
(set: $showfooter to false)(set: $name to (prompt: "Your name, please:", "Jo"))$f['A pleasure, $name.']
$f['As for myself, think of me as a portkey... a guiding talisman accompanying you on your journey into the mystic, the celestial wings beneath you on your flight to self realization.']
$f['But if you must, call me Leo.']
$f['Do you wish for a reading?']
[[What's a reading?]]
{(enchant: ?page, (text-colour: black) + (background: white) + (css: "font-size:small"))
(set: $slowTransition to (transition:"dissolve") + (transition-time: 3s))
(set: $f to (text-style: "italic") + (text-color: #5D0404))
(set: $c to (text-style: "bold"))
(set: $r to (css: "font-size:smaller"))}
$f['Welcome...'], a rich, melodic voice speaks in the dimness.
$f['I foresaw you would come to me for guidance.']
With an outstretched hand, the figure beckons you to sit opposite them.
[[Take a seat->Introduction]]$f['Splendid.'
'Are you familiar with the process? Or shall I share how our descent into the truth will begin?']
[[Yes, I am familiar]]
[[No, please explain]]Leo gives a short laugh.
$f['Probably for the best, that is...']
[[Exit the tent]]$f['Pray, what are you calling yourself in this incarnation?']
[[Answer->Leo]]$f['Curious, but hesitant... are we?']
Leo passes you a card from the folds of their robe. It appears to be a business card, and the back side reads:
*A Tarot reading can provide guidance around what is happening in your personal orbit: love, money, career, goals, and general life path.*
Leo raises an eyebrow inquiringly.
[[No, thanks->No]](link:"Begin again")[(goto:"Opening")]
(set: $showfooter to false)$f['Marvelous. Let's begin.']
[[Begin->First card]]
$r[There will be a recap of all the cards that have been drawn and their positions on the screen throughout.]
(set: $showfooter to false)$f['Today, we will do an anchor or baseline reading. This reading is ideal for clarifying situations and evoking questions.
You may find yourself contemplating a particular aspect of your life that the cards are exploring.
We will draw ten cards, each of which has a position in the order its drawn. The meaning of the position and the card are combined - for example the first card drawn is your 'current situation' position, which may hold the card 'The Sun,' respresenting courageousness or willingness to mature.
At the readings end, our goal is to illuminate the situation or the part of your life you have held in your mind. It is wise not to expect black and white answers.
Shall we?']
[[Begin->First card]]
$r[There will be a recap of all the cards that have been drawn and their positions on the screen throughout.]
(set: $showfooter to false)$f['Your first card is (print: 1 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $present to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Second card]]
[[Ask for clarification->First clarification]]
$f['Your second card is (print: 2 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's $answer)
(set: $cross to $cards's $answer)(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Third card]]
[[Ask for clarification->Second clarification]]
(set: $showfooter to true)$f['Your third card reveals (print: 3 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's $answer)
(set: $subconscious to $cards's $answer)(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Fourth card]]
[[Ask for clarification->Third clarification]]
$f['Your fourth card represents (print: 4 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's $answer)
(set: $past to $cards's $answer)(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Fifth card]]
[[Ask for clarification->Fourth clarification]]
$f['Your fifth card is (print: 5 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's $answer)
(set: $goal to $cards's $answer)(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Sixth card]]
[[Ask for clarification->Fifth clarification]]
$f['Your sixth card shows (print: 6 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's $answer)
(set: $path to $cards's $answer)(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Seventh card]]
[[Ask for clarification->Sixth clarification]]
$f['Your seventh card is (print: 7 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's $answer)
(set: $attitude to $cards's $answer)(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Eighth card]]
[[Ask for clarification->Seventh clarification]]
$f['Your eighth card is (print: 8 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's $answer)
(set: $energy to $cards's $answer)(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Ninth card]]
[[Ask for clarification->Eighth clarification]]
$f['Your ninth card shows (print: 9 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's $answer)
(set: $revel to $cards's $answer)(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Tenth card]]
[[Ask for clarification->Ninth clarification]]
$f['Your tenth and last card is (print: 10 of $positions).']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's $answer)
(set: $outcome to $cards's $answer)(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Ask for clarification->Tenth clarification]]
$f['Thank you, $name. I trust you take with you an enlightened understanding of your position in the cosmos.']
[[Exit the tent]]
(set: $showfooter to false)
[[Review your reading]](set: $showfooter to true)
(set: $positions to (dm:
1, "the present, your current situation, your primary concern, question, or issue",
2, "the immediate challenge, your motivation for your quest for guidance",
3, "your subconscious influences stemming from deep in your past",
4, "your recent past",
5, "the best outcome, that which you consciously desire",
6, "the immediate future, where you are headed",
7, "your attitude, the internal factors affecting you",
8, "your energy and environment, the external factors affecting you",
9, "the revelation, the things you should know and be aware of",
10, "the final outcome",))
(set: $cards to (dm:
0, "The Fool, meaning new beginnings, optimism, trust in life",
1, "The Magician, meaning action, the power to manifest",
2, "The High Priestess, meaning inaction, going within, the subconscious",
3, "The Empress, meaning abundance, nurturing, fertility, life in bloom",
4, "The Emperor, meaning structure, stability, rules and power",
5, "The Hierophant, meaning institutions, tradition, society and its rules",
6, "The Lovers, meaning sexuality, passion, choice, uniting",
7, "The Chariot, meaning movement, progress, integration",
8, "Strength, meaning courage, subtle power, integration of animal self",
9, "The Hermit, meaning meditation, solitude, consciousness",
10, "Wheel of meaning fortune, cycles, change, ups and downs",
11, "Justice, meaning fairness, equality, balance",
12, "The Hanged Man, meaning surrender, new perspective, enlightenment",
13, "Death, meaning the end of something, change, the impermeability of all things",
14, "Temperance, meaning balance, moderation, being sensible",
15, "The Devil, meaning destructive patterns, addiction, giving away your power",
16, "The Tower, meaning collapse of stable structures, release, sudden insight",
17, "The Star, meaning hope, calm, a good omen",
18, "The Moon, meaning mystery, the subconscious, dreams",
19, "The Sun, meaning success, happiness, all will be well",
20, "Judgment, meaning rebirth, a new phase, inner calling",
21, "The World, meaning completion, wholeness, attainment, celebration of life",
22, "King of Swords, meaning serious, controlling, rational and mind/intellect-focused",
23, "Queen of Swords, meaning intelligent, writer, communicative yet cold – cuts through B.S.",
24, "Knight of Swords, meaning fierce, determined, aggressively pursues goals",
25, "Page of Swords, meaning mentally unstable or intellectually immature, acts without thinking",
26, "Ace of Swords, meaning fresh start, a sudden opportunity or idea, clarity",
27, "1 of Swords, meaning indecision",
28, "2 of Swords, meaning heartbreak, betrayal",
29, "3 of Swords, meaning meditation, rest, retreat",
30, "4 of Swords, meaning mind games, hostility",
31, "5 of Swords, meaning leaving, accepting help, going somewhere better",
32, "6 of Swords, meaning secret plans, abandoning ship",
33, "7 of Swords, meaning feeling powerless and stuck",
34, "8 of Swords, meaning overtive mind, anxiety",
35, "9 of Swords, meaning feeling defeated, self sabotage",
36, "King of Cups, meaning repression of deep feelings, possible alcoholism",
37, "Queen of Cups, meaning emotionally nurturing, intuitive, sensitive",
38, "Knight of Cups, meaning romantic, adventurous, following one’s heart",
39, "Page of Cups, meaning creative, inspired, learning artistic skill",
40, "Ace of Cups, meaning emotional fulfillment, joy",
41, "2 of Cups, meaning partnership, mutual attraction, compatibility",
42, "3 of Cups, meaning celebration, fun with friends, laughter",
43, "4 of Cups, meaning boredom, dissatisfaction with what is being offered",
44, "5 of Cups, meaning dwelling on the negative, self pity",
45, "6 of Cups, meaning sentimentality, kindness, help",
46, "7 of Cups, meaning so many choices! Indecision, getting lost in fantasy",
47, "8 of Cups, meaning abandoning something in search of something better",
48, "9 of Cups, meaning indulgence, self-satisfaction",
49, "10 of Cups, meaning emotional bliss, happiness, attainment ",
50, "King of Wands, meaning career focused, mature, passionate",
51, "Queen of Wands, meaning confidant, focused, has zest for life",
52, "Knight of Wands, meaning an adventurous risk taker who follows his passions",
53, "Page of Wands, meaning newly inspired, excited about life and work",
54, "Ace of Wands, meaning new beginnings, creative spark, fertile ideas",
55, "2 of Wands, meaning contemplation, assessing ones life direction",
56, "3 of Wands, meaning reaping the rewards of your efforts",
57, "4 of Wands, meaning celebration, safety, the home",
58, "5 of Wands, meaning competition, minor struggles or disagreements",
59, "6 of Wands, meaning success, accolades and achievement",
60, "7 of Wands, meaning feeling defensive and on guard",
61, "8 of Wands, meaning speed, things manifesting quickly",
62, "9 of Wands, meaning pessimism, gearing up for the worst",
63, "10 of Wands, meaning feeling oppressed, exhaustion, too many responsibilities",
64, "King of Pentacles, meaning enjoys the good life (food, drink and leisure), financially secure",
65, "Queen of Pentacles, meaning healthy in body and finances, grounded and calm",
66, "Knight of Pentacles, meaning cautious, sensible and slow to progress",
67, "Page of Pentacles, meaning student, commitment to learning",
68, "Ace of Pentacles, meaning financial reward, clarity of life purpose, goals",
69, "2 of Pentacles, meaning balance, multitasking",
70, "3 of Pentacles, meaning meaningful work, enjoying one’s work, suitable career",
71, "4 of Pentacles, meaning hoarding, feeling poor, holding self back out of fear",
72, "5 of Pentacles, meaning minor money troubles, health problems, feeling like an outsider",
73, "6 of Pentacles, meaning charity, accepting and giving help",
74, "7 of Pentacles, meaning patience, waiting for your plans to bear fruit",
75, "8 of Pentacles, meaning hard work, focused efforts, laying the groundwork",
76, "9 of Pentacles, meaning luxury, rest, financial and material comforts",
77, "10 of Pentacles, meaning financial success, strong business relationships",))$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 1 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $present_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Second card]]
(set: $showfooter to true)$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 2 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $cross_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Third card]]
$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 3 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $subconscious_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Fourth card]]
$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 4 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $past_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Fifth card]]
$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 5 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $goal_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Sixth card]]
$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 6 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $path_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Seventh card]]
$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 7 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $attitude_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Eighth card]]
$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 8 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $energy_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Ninth card]]
$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 9 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $revel_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
[[Draw next->Tenth card]]
$f['Asking for clarification on (print: 10 of $positions)...']
(set: $answer to (either: ...(datanames: $cards)))(print: $cards's ($answer))(set: $outcome_clarify to $cards's ($answer))(move: $cards's ($answer) into $discard)
(if: $showfooter)[
(if: (history:) contains "First card")[Present situation: $present]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "First clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $present_clarify]
(else: )[]
(if: (history:) contains "Second card")[<br>Helping or impeding: $cross]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "Second clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $cross_clarify]
(else: )[]
(if: (history:) contains "Third card")[<br>Subconscious influences: $subconscious]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "Third clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $subconscious_clarify]
(else: )[]
(if: (history:) contains "Fourth card")[<br>Past circumstances: $past]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "Fourth clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $past_clarify]
(else: )[]
(if: (history:) contains "Fifth card")[<br>Conscious desires: $goal]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "Fifth clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $goal_clarify]
(else: )[]
(if: (history:) contains "Sixth card")[<br>Current path: $path]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "Sixth clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $path_clarify]
(else: )[]
(if: (history:) contains "Seventh card")[<br>Attitude: $attitude]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "Seventh clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $attitude_clarify]
(else: )[]
(if: (history:) contains "Eighth card")[<br>Energy and environment: $energy]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "Eighth clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $energy_clarify]
(else: )[]
(if: (history:) contains "Ninth card")[<br>Revelation: $revel]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "Ninth clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $revel_clarify]
(else: )[]
(if: (history:) contains "Tenth card")[<br>Outcome: $outcome]
(else: )[]}{(if: (history:) contains "Tenth clarification")[<br>--- Clarification: $outcome_clarify]
(else: )[]
]{[[Exit the tent]]
(set: $showfooter to true)}